Interscholastic athletics and intra-school activities have an important place at DCHS.They are a vital part of our total educational environment and development, although they do not replace academics.There are educational values and experiences provided by these programs that cannot be found in the classroom.
Students who desire the opportunity to challenge their interests and skills are encouraged to participate.Participation has proven to be a major contributor to wholesome lifetime values and achieving successful adulthood.Those who participate are representing not only themselves but also the student body and the community.
The goals of the athletic/activity program are the following:
1.To develop an understanding and appreciation of the place which interscholastic athletics/intra-school activities occupy in the American culture; and to develop sound educational attitudes toward them;
2.To develop in the student participants an appreciation of athletics/activities as life-long interests;
3.To serve as a focal point for the morale, spirit, and loyalty of students by providing a common meeting ground and for the enthusiasm shared by all;
4.To provide the opportunity for social growth as well as physical development, with guidelines established for supervision;
5.To provide the opportunity for emotional growth in both personal maturity and in an awareness of team responsibility;
6.To provide a challenging, enjoyable, rewarding experience for all who are involved in the athletic/activity program.