The 2023 DCHS Homecoming Week is almost upon us
(Sept. 18th – Sept 23rd) and we are excited
about the many activities
available for students to get involved in.
The 2023 Homecoming theme is “Welcome to the JUNGLE”
Spirit Days and events are as follows: (please note all DCSD dress code expectations apply)
Monday, 9/18 - “ Day”
-Event – Feeder Movie Night - SOUTH OLD SOFTBALL field @ 7:00 PM
Tuesday, 9/19 – “ DAY”
-Event – Ruff n Tuff – in the North Main Gym @ 7:00 pm
Wednesday, 9/20 – “ Day”
Thursday, 9/21 – " Day"
Events: Homecoming Assembly in the North Main Gym @ 9:45am
*Freshmen =
*Sophomores =
*Juniors =
*Seniors =
-Event – PowderPuff in the DCHS stadium @ 6:00 pm
Friday, 9/22 - NO SCHOOL - PD DAY
-Event: DCHS Homecoming Football Game in the DCHS stadium @ 7:00 PM
Saturday, 9/23 - Homecoming Dance @ the Douglas County High School from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm.
Students MUST have their ticket AND school ID to enter the event.
**Please share pictures on social media using the hashtag #DCHOCO2023**
Homecoming Dance tickets are being sold during lunches ONLY starting
Monday, 9/18 THROUGH Thursday, 9/21 @ 1:00 pm. Please be vigilant and purchase tickets at the tables outside the auditorium during those designated times.
**Monday, 9/18 & Tuesday, 9/19 = $25.00 ($20.00 with 2023-24 DCHS Activity Pass)
**Wednesday, 9/20 & Thursday, 9/21 = $30.00 ($25.00 with 2023-24 DCHS Activity Pass)
**Saturday, 9/23 = $35.00 (NO ACTIVITY PASS DISCOUNT WILL BE HONORED) - CASH ONLY the night of the dance
We will accept cash, checks or credit/debit cards for pre-payment (Monday - Thursday). Cash ONLY can be accepted the day of the dance.
*** Big Reminder about the Dance
(We use a scanning system to enter students and guests into the dance. Because of that, we must adhere to deadlines to complete the appropriate computer uploads in time for the dance)
All Guest forms are due by Tuesday, 9/12 at 3:00 pm to Mrs. Eilers in the ATHLETICS Office (in the SOUTH Building). Guest forms cannot be accepted after that time. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Guest forms can be accessed online at the DCHS website homepage or under the Activities tab. There are limited printed copies in each main office (North and South). Please know the purpose of any guest form is to notify the host school of non-DCHS students attendance for safety and
security as well as ensuring the student is in good standing at their high
- A guest is anyone that does not attend DCHS and is older than middle school but younger than age 21.
- All DCHS students must present a CURRENT DCHS student I.D. to enter the dance.
- All Guests must present EITHER their CURRENT School I.D. or their Driver’s License to enter the dance. Guests must be with their host to enter the dance.
- Appropriate dress is required for the dance. No jeans or shorts. Students may wear business casual or a suit.
- No hats, please. All dresses that are worn must be appropriate in length. No midriffs allowed. Strapless is allowed as long as it is covering the bodice/breasts completely.
- Appropriate dancing is required.
- Coat check will be available for a small fee. Please talk to your child about securing valuable items to avoid theft.
- Please remember that once you enter the dance, you may NOT LEAVE and re-enter.
Thank you for your support of
Douglas County High School’s
2023 Homecoming Week.