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How to Access your Exam Results

1. Sign up for an account - it's free!
Student must have a College Board account to access their scores.They will not receive scores in the mail.
Students should get their College Board account now so they'll be ready to get their scores online in July. Once they sign up, they will receive email updates about how and when to access scores.
Students may already have an account if they ever registered for the SAT or participated in other College Board programs. Try signing in here to find out.

2. Remember access information.
In order to access scores, students will need to remember their College Boardaccount usernameandpassword, and one of the following:

3. Go to apscore.org to view and send exam results.
All students will be able to view and send both 2015 and past years' exam scores as of Sunday, July 9th.
Helpful Links
AP for Students
Score Reporting Services