Open Campus Information

Open Campus Guidelines for grades 10-12

As DCHS continues to support a student's ability to be a good decision maker and a responsible citizen, we have provided several options for students to choose from when they have a "Release Period" in their schedule. Students may choose:

  • to leave campus & return upon the next scheduled period
  • to spend their off-hour in the Library- to spend their off-hour in the North Commons
  • to seek assistance as pre-arranged with a teacher
  • to be in the Counseling Office as prearranged

The Administration has an expectation that students with a "Release Period" built into their schedule will choose one of the above stated options. We do not support any disruptions to the instructional environment with students walking the hallways or sitting in the hallways. If this type of activity occurs the Administration reserves the right to take away the privilege of a "Release Period" from a student.

Any 10-12th grade students who take a freshmen student off campusat any time during the school daywithout following the necessary procedures (proper pass; checking out; etc.) will be subject to the following disciplinary actions:
1st Offense: SaturdaySchool
2nd Offense: SaturdaySchool + loss of parking for remainder of semester
3rd Offense: 2 days suspension + loss of parking for school year

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