Graduation Requirements

To receive a diploma and graduate from a Douglas County high school, a student must earn a minimum of 24.0 credits. These academic requirements reflect the minimum program which a student can complete and still earn a high school diploma. For the majority of high school students, particularly those students who are planning post high school education, pursuit of a challenging academic program is the most important consideration.

A unit of credit is defined as the amount of credit given for the successful completion of a course which meets at least 40 minutes daily, five days per week for one year (36 weeks) on a traditional schedule or a four or more hour college semester hour course (1 credit); the equivalent time is 120 clock hours. One half credit is given for successful completion of a class which meets at least 40 minutes daily five days per week for one semester (18 weeks) on a traditional schedule or a two or more hour college semester hour course. Non-traditional schedules will be translated to this standard for the purpose of determining course credit.

Douglas County students will begin accruing credits towards earning a diploma and graduation beginning in the ninth grade.


A. To receive a diploma a student must meet all of the following:

24 Credits in the Following CORE and Elective credit Curricular Areas as follows

    • Language Arts 4.0
    • Mathematics 3.0*
    • Science 3.0
    • Social Studies 3.0 **
    • Practical Arts 1.0
    • Fine Arts 1.0
    • Physical Education 1.0
    • Elective credits 8.0

    *Must include a minimum of Algebra 1 as one of the 3.0 credits;

    **Must include 1.0 credit of US or World History and 0.5 credits of American Government

  1. Demonstrate proficiency on the Douglas County School District Content Standards in reading, writing, and on standards in mathematics, science, and social studies as identified in IKF-R. Documentation that these standards have been achieved will be through teacher judgment based on District assessments, end-of-course tests or other measurements;
    Students identified as disabled and having IRP's may demonstrate that they have met the Douglas County Content Standards by successfully completing the standards identified in their Individual Education Plan (IEP). Course content and/or graduation requirements may be adjusted for those students identified as disabled, under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act through the IEP process as identified in IKF-R
  2. Document a minimum of twenty hours of community service while enrolled as a high school student.

B. To earn credit in a class, students must demonstrate proficiency on the content standards embedded in the course. Documentation that these standards have been achieved will be through teacher judgment based on District assessments, end-of-course tests or other measurements as well as meeting other stipulated course expectations. Students who do not achieve these standards will be enrolled in courses or programs as prescribed by the school principal and faculty.

C. With prior approval of the high school principal, up to a total of (6) credits of approved correspondence, college/university courses (for 11th/12th grade students only through the post secondary options act), and/or on-line courses may be used to meet either the electives or required portion of the academic requirements to receive a diploma.


A diploma will be issued from the school in which the student spent his/her last full semester prior to meeting Douglas County Graduation Requirements unless prior written arrangements have been secured from the principal of the receiving school.

Ninth, tenth, and first semester eleventh grade students who transfer into a Douglas County High School must satisfactorily meet all of the District's Academic Requirements, Behavioral Expectations, and community service requirement to receive a diploma from a Douglas County High School.

Second semester eleventh and twelfth grade students who transfer into a Douglas County High School must satisfactorily meet all of the District's 16.0 "Core Credit" requirements, the District's Behavioral Expectations, community service requirement, and at least 6 of the 8.0 "Elective Credit" requirement to receive a diploma from a Douglas County High School.


To participate in graduation exercises students must meet all of the following:

  1. Successfully complete all of the "academic requirements," as described above, including correspondence and other out-of-school course work no later than forty-eight hours prior to graduation exercises;
    Students identified as disabled, under the individuals with disabilities education act, must successfully complete all of the "academic requirements" as described in their Individual Education Plan (IEP). Students' transition requirements for credit need not be completed prior to their participation in graduation exercises;
  2. Be a full time student (as defined as taking the equivalent of five classes per semester which are transcripted through a Douglas County High School);
  3. Wear, without alteration, the designated cap and gown and must have appearance and dress that conforms with standards established by the Board of Education and/or building principal;
  4. Demonstrate behavior (during the semester prior to graduation) deemed by the building principal, to be compatible with the District's Behavioral Expectations and, as described in IKF-R;
  5. Cooperate fully with the school's staff during all school sponsored senior activities, including graduation exercises; and,
  6. Return all school/District property and clear all outstanding debts owed the school and/or the School District.

Certificate of Attendance (foreign exchange students)

The foreign exchange student may participate in the high school graduation ceremony and receive a certificate of attendance if the student has successfully completed all enrolled courses.

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